International Sword Swallowers’ Day

Last Saturday in February

In the category of “Holidays We Are Not Making Up” today is Sword Swallower’s Day. Sword Swallowers’ Association International (SSAI) recognizes “those who can swallow a non-retractible sold steel blade at least two centimeters wide and 38 centimetres long.”

Sword swallowing is not fake or a ‘trick,’ and it’s very dangerous.

We present the case of a 59 year-old man who sustained an esophageal perforation as a result of sword swallowing. An esophagogram established the diagnosis, and surgical repair was attempted. However, 19 days later, a persistent leak and deterioration of the patient’s condition necessitated a transhiatal esophagectomy with a left cervical esophagogastrostomy.

Yard Dog Road Show – Sword Swallower

Seriously, I can’t even finish watching this. In college I knew a guy who could snort spaghetti up his nose and pull it out his mouth. That’s about as much as I can stomach.

I prefer ‘word wallowing.’ Much safer, less throat lacerations.

“Dan Meyer swallowing a sword underwater in a tank of sharks and stingrays.” (Click to enlarge)

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